
“Storytellers” is all about reusing leftover materials. The product (carpet/roomdivider) is made of leftover fabrics and wool selvages from Dornier weaving machines at Tekstiiliverstas at Hämeenlinna (HAMK), Finland. Various leftover fabric and wool selvages give unique visual and tactile qualites to the product.
Selvages are sewed together side- by-side or back-to-back. If sewed side-by-side, synthetic felt is used for backside. The other side of the carpet can also be used; there are stitched dots that serve as braille alphabets, telling a story to blind people.
The carpet is 200 mm high and 160 mm wide.
“Storytellers” began in a 3 day workshop called “Sensitive Elements for Sale” with Aija Lundhal (HAMK) in May 2014.
Heimtextil Young Creations Award. Upcycling 1st Prize
Material: WO, CO, LI. Synthetic felt Tehniques: sewing, stiching