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      is a Fashion / Textile / Print Designer /Artist




        Designer at Kade OÜ since 2015








2020 - 2022 Tallinn Industrial Education Center (tailor-stylist)

           2015 - 2020 Estonian Academy of Arts - Fashion Design (master)  

2011 - 2015 Estonian Academy of Arts - Textile Design (bachelor)

      2010 - 2011 Estonian Academy of Arts - Fashion Stylistics

          1998 - 2000 Tartu Vocational Education Center - Hairdresser

1986 - 1997 Tartu Karlova Gymnasium



     Exhibitions and Fairs:


September 2020 Bruno, Disainiöö, Tallinn
October 2019 “Multiversum”, ArtDepoo galerii, Tallinn
September 2019 Tuleviku materjalid/Future Materials, Disainiöö,

 June 2019 Innovative Costume of the XXI Century: the Next Generation,


November 2018, “Illumination”, Telliskivi Loomelinnak, Tallinn

September 2018, “Skins&Shells”, Disainiöö, Tallinn

May 2016  Young Textile Art Triennial, Lodz, Poland

December 2015  KEHAM, mood ja arhitektuur, EKA sisearhitektuur, Tallinn

            March-April 2015 Anna Uus Elu, Uue Kunsti Muuseum, Pärnu

                    March 2015 “Muster”, gallery Noorus, Tartu

            September 2014 POP-UP shop at Helios movie, Design night

                        January 2014 Heimtextil CAMPUS Estonian Academy of ArtsTextile Design departmend stand, Frankfurt, Germany





June 2022 Mood Prefomance Tants, collection "Smell My Roses" , Estonian Fashion Festival,Tartu

November 2020 -  March 2021. Ajujaht, TOP30, Tallinn
August 2020, ERKI moeshow, collection “Kas sa ei näe?/Dont you see?”, Tallinn

June 2019, Omamood, collection "GETSEYE", Estonian Fashion Festival, Tartu

      January 2015, Heimtextil Young Creations Award:

Upcycling, Frankfurt, Germany

                 May 2015, ERKI fashion show, collection “I can see you”, 

             January 2015, Heimtextil Young Creations Award:

Upcycling, Frankfurt, Germany

               May 2014, ERKI fashion show, group collection

“Täitsa pael”





June 2019, invatation to Helsinki Fashion Week 2019 showroom

  May 2015 Mari Adamson best textile student scholarship18 laureate

            January 2015 Heimtextil Young Creations Award: Upcycling

        1st Jury prize, “Storytellers”




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